Can You Get A Hair Transplant From Someone Else?

Can You Get A Hair Transplant From Someone Else

Can You Get A Hair Transplant From Someone Else?

Can You Get A Hair Transplant From Someone Else
John M

John M

Hi, I'm John. About age 30 my hair started receding. After trying lots of products I eventually decided on a hair transplant. And now I have my hair back.


It is not possible to get a hair transplant from someone else. Hair transplant surgery involves taking hair follicles from one area of the scalp and transplanting them to a bald or balding area. The hair used in the transplant must come from the individual receiving the transplant, usually from the back of the head, as this is where the hair is the most robust and resilient.

Can you get a hair transplant if you are not completely bald?

Yes, this is the best time to investigate a hair transplant. Hair transplants use the hairs from a different part of your head. In most cases, the back of the head is the last place you will lose hair.

The hair transplant surgeon will remove individual hairs from your scalp. Once he has harvested enough hair follicles, the transplant procedure will start.

Tiny incisions are made in the recipient site, and the follicles are transplanted.

If you wait until you are entirely bald to consider a hair transplant, you will possibly be too late to undertake the procedure.

Can pubic hair be transplanted to the head?

Yes. There are mixed results with transplanting pubic hair to the scalp. As you would expect, the hair is different to what grows typically on your head.

The surgeon will need to mix the pubic hairs with hairs from the scalp to give you a natural look.

Once the pubic hair is transplanted, it will grow and be nourished as pubic hair. You can expect curly hair from the transplant.

By mixing the pubic hair at a ratio best decided by the hair transplant surgeon, you could, in theory, have some great results.

It is possible to transplant hairs from your beard onto your scalp. Again the hair is a different thickness, so your appearance would change.

Can you have a hair transplant without anyone knowing?

Hair transplants had come along leaps and bounds from when they first became popular in the 1950s. Back in the day, hair transplants were known as hair plugs.

Hair transplants were, to some extent, a complicated procedure, and the recovery time was extensive. It could be up to 6 months!

The procedure used to be carried out by piercing the scalp thousands of times and implanting the harvested hair follicle into the pierced hole in the scalp.

It would be expected for the recipient to need many weeks off work as an unsightly scab and crust would form over the wound site.

Thankfully hair transplant technology has moved on. Hair transplants are still considered an invasive procedure, and you should prepare yourself for some discomfort.

With hair transplant technology like FUE (follicular unit extraction), micro incisions are made in the scalp. The micro-incision heals much faster than previous hair transplant methods.

How fast will an FUE transplant heal?

In the first week, you can expect the wound sites to be tender and some scabs to form. This is normal, and your scalp will be pretty red as expected after thousands of micro-incisions.

The redness will dissipate after 7-10 days, but the transplant site may be pink for many more weeks.

From 10 to 14 days, it is perfectly normal to experience hair shedding caused by shock to the scalp. The good news is shedding does not necessarily mean the hair follicle has not taken and will not grow in the future.

After 3 to 4 months, you will notice new hair growth.

So, can you be discreet with a hair transplant? The answer is no. Like any other surgery, there is a healing process. Even with advances in surgery techniques, you just can’t hide a hair transplant.

Your transplanted hairs will be short and thin compared to a typical head of hair. The hairs need to grow and be styled when at a reasonable length.

The good news is hair transplants have become more accessible with competitive pricing, and with this, some of the stigmas have been lost. It is now socially acceptable to have this procedure.

Who should not do a hair transplant?

If you keep your hair, short hair transplant surgery could leave you with bald spots, particularly from the donor site at the back of your head. It looks weird to see bald patches where the hair follicles have been harvested from.

If you are in your early twenties and experiencing rapid hair loss, you will need to wait. If you decide to transplant hairs at this stage, there will be no guarantee your transplanted hairs will not fall out.

Wait until the speed of your hair loss diminishes before considering a hair transplant.

If your hair loss is not male pattern baldness, there could be other reasons for your hair loss. You will need to consult a specialist doctor to look into why you are losing hair.

Suppose the hair is thin and weak in the donor site. The donor site is usually the back of your head, where hair is thick.

If the hair in this area is thin and weak, harvesting hair will only leave you with less hair and further baldness this area.

Suppose you have a phobia of needles. It will be necessary to receive many local anaesthetic injections in the course of a hair transplant surgery.

If you are looking for instant results, you will be disappointed. Hair transplants take time to come to fullness. It’s not a quick fix but could be a permanent fix.


Transplanting hairs from a third party is a long shot, even with today’s technology. If possible, you would spend a lifetime on drugs to prevent the hair follicles from being rejected by your immune system.

If your hair loss is extensive, you may not receive a hair transplant from your head.

Other options could include transplanting pubic hairs onto your head, although your hair will be curly always. It is possible to transplant facial hair and even hairs from your back or stomach.

Top 5 Reasons to go abroad for a Hair Transplant

1. Save at least 60% on the cost

A hair transplant in Europe is at least 60% cheaper than in the UK. And most packages are all inclusive, including your accommodation and airport transfers.

2. Europe has some of the most experienced surgeons in the world

Europe has more clinics, which have been established and running for much longer than clinics in the UK. The price is also lower, making it more accessible for people.

Surgeons in Europe will have carried out hundreds, if not thousands more procedures than UK based surgeons. Because of this some UK clinics will bring in surgeons from Europe to carry out your procedure.

3. Hair restoration clinics in Europe are state or the art

Many facilities in Europe are dedicated hair restoration clinics. They only perform that type of treatment. As such all equipment, facilities, techniques and staff are specialists in hair restoration. 

Hair restoration is only now becoming more popular in the UK, so many UK clinics are general cosmetic facilities that carry out various procedures.

4. Get even more value by making your transplant into a holiday

Europe is such a popular holiday destination for many reasons, the culture, history, sights, cuisine, shopping, great weather, your money goes further, it’s widely English speaking, and it’s just 2 or 3 hours away by plane. 

The list goes on! So why not travel a few days earlier, grab a low cost Airbnb or hotel, take a friend or partner and enjoy the city for a few days before your transplant.

5. Hassle free process

It’s so easy to get an assessment and price. Contact the clinic, arrange an initial consultation in the UK with your surgeon, or do an online consultation by sending a few pictures and answering some basic questions. 

Once you’re happy, pick a date and you’re done! The clinic will send you all the paperwork and itinerary so you know exactly what’s happening. You don’t pay until you go for treatment. 

You just hop on the plane. A transfer car will meet you as you get off the plane and take you to the clinic. It’s such an easy process. Easy!

Top 5 Hair Transplant Tips

1. Know your post-op timeline – The key dates!

  • You need to take the upmost care in the first 7 days
  • You can leave the house after 7 days, but I advise you take at least 2 weeks off work.
  • You won’t be able to wear a hat or exercise for up to 4 weeks after.
  • Around 2 – 4 weeks your new hair will fall out, you’ll look a little red and sore – similar to sunburn.
  • Around 4 months your new hair starts growing and looking good.
  • By 6 months you can’t tell you’ve had a transplant.
You can get a haircut after the first month, or you can keep it short yourself with clippers until it starts to grow back.

2. Pick the right time to schedule your treatment

Good clinics will be busy, so you may have to wait 2 months to get an appointment – this is a good thing. So knowing that and knowing your post-op timeline (above) means you can plan the perfect time around your social or work calendar. 

If you have important social events coming up, particularly if you know you’ll be photographed then you may plan your transplant 6 months in advance, or wait until your calendar is free.

3. Set your expectations

If your hair has receded at the front you’ll want the clinic to draw an expected hairline on your head or on pictures of you as soon as possible. They’ll then also talk about the number of grafts or hairs you’ll need and how thick the result will look. 

The sooner you can establish this, the sooner you’ll know exactly what to expect. A good clinic will also take into consideration a natural looking hair line for your age and your face and head shape. Have an honest conversation and be open to their expert feedback.

4. Knowing what the journey home looks like

There’s no way around it, you’ll have to go out in public to travel home. The worst part is sitting at the airport for 2 hours or so whilst you wait for your plane. 

I found it was best to embrace it. People are nice for the most part and won’t stare, and if one or two do who cares – you will never see those people again! You may even be at the airport with other transplant patients, I wasn’t the only one! 

Take a travel pillow and have someone pick you up if possible, so you can exit swiftly and get back home as soon as possible. It’s natural to be self-conscious, but it’s over fast and well worth it.

Tip! Just take carry-on luggage to keep your check-in and wait time down.

5. Choosing the right clinic

  • Pick somewhere you can travel to and from easily
  • Check their reviews online, not just on their site!
  • Do they have a good quality website and professional looking emails?
  • Can you see actual case studies of previous patients online?
  • Do they have an address? Can you see it on Google street view?
  • Can you meet your surgeon for a consultation beforehand?
  • Do you know someone who’s been there before – first hand opinion is amazing!
John M

John M

Hi, I'm John. About age 30 my hair started receding. After trying lots of products I eventually decided on a hair transplant. And now I have my hair back.

Do you want to keep your hair without surgery? I get it … surgery can be expensive and frightening. Although it’s the most effective solution when things go bad and it helped me, you still experience some discomfort and have to take some time off from work.

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Enquire About A Hair Transplant
(I went there!)

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