Do Fat Burners Cause Hair Loss?

Do Fat Burners Cause Hair Loss

Do Fat Burners Cause Hair Loss?

Do Fat Burners Cause Hair Loss
John M

John M

Hi, I'm John. About age 30 my hair started receding. After trying lots of products I eventually decided on a hair transplant. And now I have my hair back.


Fat burners are a type of dietary supplement that aims to help people lose weight by increasing metabolism, reducing appetite, or increasing the number of calories burned. Some fat burners contain ingredients such as caffeine, green tea extract, and synephrine, which can increase heart rate and blood pressure, and may cause side effects such as jitteriness, anxiety, and insomnia.

Hair loss is not a common side effect of fat burners. However, some fat burners contain thermogenic ingredients that can increase the body’s metabolic rate, which can lead to a temporary increase in hair loss. This happens because when the body is in a state of thermogenesis, it shifts its focus from non-essential processes such as hair growth, to burning fat for energy.


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Additionally, some fat burners contain ingredients that can cause dehydration, which can cause hair loss.

It’s important to note that hair loss can be caused by many factors, and fat burners may not be the sole cause of hair loss. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any dietary supplements, to check for any potential side effects, and to make sure the supplement is safe for you. They can also help you identify the underlying cause of hair loss and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

What are the side effects of fat burners?

Fat burners can stress the body. This is why so many folks experience so many side effects. One side effect is hair loss.

Because the body is stressed, you will produce cortisol. Cortisol is the fight or flight hormone that effectively runs away from sabre tooth tigers and woolly mammoths. In today’s world, cortisol has negative effects on the body.

Fat burners stress our body, and cortisol is switched on constantly! When cortisol is working hard, testosterone is active, which causes increased levels of DHT.

DHT shrinks hair follicles and causes hair loss at alarming rates, sometimes faster than losing the excess pounds of fat from your belly.

Just by the very nature of fat burners, you have a reduced calorie intake as your appetite is suppressed. Along with your reduced food intake, you have inadvertently cut off the supply of nutrients and vitamins needed for hair growth.

Without proteins, vitamins and nutrients, your hair will soon lose its shine and can become brittle and frizzy. Your hair is starving from nutrients to keep the growth cycle going.

Add increased DHT into the mic, and the perfect storm for hair loss has been created with only one outcome, hair loss.

More side effects of fat burners

Losing weight sounds like a great idea, and it is and provides many health benefits in the long term. However, there is a reason why professionals aim for a weight loss of two pounds per week.

Losing weight fast may motivate you, but the side effects can outweigh the benefits. You will undoubtedly have insomnia and become irritable and maybe even depressed.

Insomnia is a debilitating condition, and if insomnia becomes long term, it can have catastrophic effects on your life.

Try working when you have not slept for days on end. It’s impossible to focus on tasks. Even your coordination can be compromised.

Sustaining use of fat burners can cause heart damage and elevated blood pressure?

Fat burners contain caffeine at high levels. Caffeine can cause palpitations and heart arrhythmia. Combined with feeling exhausted, you could be causing damage to your heart and kidneys.

Can weight loss pills cause hair loss?

Dieters are frequently nutrient deficient, which directly impacts hair growth. Hair growth cycles rely on a varied sustainable supply of nutrients and vitamins to produce healthy hair.

Remove any one of the elements, and your hair will begin to suffer.

Weight loss is not a complicated subject. Reducing calories and losing weight generally does the trick for most people, but losing weight fast with fat burners introduces many complex issues.

Most of us know that stress is bad for us, and sustained stress will eventually cause adverse effects on the body.

Fat burners and weight loss pills cause stress, and the body produces cortisol.

Once we have cortisol surging through our veins, everything changes, your weight loss slows and may even stop as cortisol tries to preserve energy for long periods of famine.

The flight or fight hormone causes so much stress we experience hair loss.

The good news is we can typically regrow the lost hair if the period of stress through weight loss pills has not been prolonged.

Why do fat burners cause hair loss?

It’s all about stress. When you take fat burners, you are motivated by fast results and need that quick weight loss fix to look good.

However, sustained long term use of fat burners will send your body into a vortex of stress and confusion.

When we become stressed, we produce the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is the fight or flight hormone that we have inherited since humans roamed the planet. 

Back when animals could attack us, cortisol kept us alive, but it’s not needed so much in the modern world and can have devastating effects on our bodies.

Fat burners cause stress. Our body experiences restricted calories and nutrients. Cortisol thinks the body may experience prolonged food deprivation and stores fat. But with the additional stresses from cortisol, we start to lose hair.

Your hair is not essential to life, and all of the restricted nutrients and proteins are diverted to fat cells and muscles to help you survive.

Here is the rub. You can’t control it, and it’s your body taking over to make sure you will survive. Your body only knows it has restricted calories and nutrients, so it protects your survival.

The good news is once you stop taking fat burners and diet pills and resume an average calorie and nutrient intake, your hair should start to regrow.

You may need to give your hair a boost with vitamin supplements and even something like minoxidil to stimulate the hair follicles.

Do supplements cause hair loss?

Some supplements can cause hair loss, so you need to do due diligence before diving into supplements.

Often it’s not the main ingredient of the supplement causing hair loss. For instance, protein supplements sound pretty innocuous, and you would think you can take them without a problem.

However, some protein supplements use other ingredients such as creatine and inorganic growth hormones. 

You would mostly just read the front label and think it’s just protein and harmless. It is, but it has side effects.

Growth hormones can increase DHT, and you will experience hair loss.

The key is always to check the label and research the product before consuming.

Top 5 Reasons to go abroad for a Hair Transplant

1. Save at least 60% on the cost

A hair transplant in Europe is at least 60% cheaper than in the UK. And most packages are all inclusive, including your accommodation and airport transfers.

2. Europe has some of the most experienced surgeons in the world

Europe has more clinics, which have been established and running for much longer than clinics in the UK. The price is also lower, making it more accessible for people.

Surgeons in Europe will have carried out hundreds, if not thousands more procedures than UK based surgeons. Because of this some UK clinics will bring in surgeons from Europe to carry out your procedure.

3. Hair restoration clinics in Europe are state or the art

Many facilities in Europe are dedicated hair restoration clinics. They only perform that type of treatment. As such all equipment, facilities, techniques and staff are specialists in hair restoration. 

Hair restoration is only now becoming more popular in the UK, so many UK clinics are general cosmetic facilities that carry out various procedures.

4. Get even more value by making your transplant into a holiday

Europe is such a popular holiday destination for many reasons, the culture, history, sights, cuisine, shopping, great weather, your money goes further, it’s widely English speaking, and it’s just 2 or 3 hours away by plane. 

The list goes on! So why not travel a few days earlier, grab a low cost Airbnb or hotel, take a friend or partner and enjoy the city for a few days before your transplant.

5. Hassle free process

It’s so easy to get an assessment and price. Contact the clinic, arrange an initial consultation in the UK with your surgeon, or do an online consultation by sending a few pictures and answering some basic questions. 

Once you’re happy, pick a date and you’re done! The clinic will send you all the paperwork and itinerary so you know exactly what’s happening. You don’t pay until you go for treatment. 

You just hop on the plane. A transfer car will meet you as you get off the plane and take you to the clinic. It’s such an easy process. Easy!

Top 5 Hair Transplant Tips

1. Know your post-op timeline – The key dates!

  • You need to take the upmost care in the first 7 days
  • You can leave the house after 7 days, but I advise you take at least 2 weeks off work.
  • You won’t be able to wear a hat or exercise for up to 4 weeks after.
  • Around 2 – 4 weeks your new hair will fall out, you’ll look a little red and sore – similar to sunburn.
  • Around 4 months your new hair starts growing and looking good.
  • By 6 months you can’t tell you’ve had a transplant.
You can get a haircut after the first month, or you can keep it short yourself with clippers until it starts to grow back.

2. Pick the right time to schedule your treatment

Good clinics will be busy, so you may have to wait 2 months to get an appointment – this is a good thing. So knowing that and knowing your post-op timeline (above) means you can plan the perfect time around your social or work calendar. 

If you have important social events coming up, particularly if you know you’ll be photographed then you may plan your transplant 6 months in advance, or wait until your calendar is free.

3. Set your expectations

If your hair has receded at the front you’ll want the clinic to draw an expected hairline on your head or on pictures of you as soon as possible. They’ll then also talk about the number of grafts or hairs you’ll need and how thick the result will look. 

The sooner you can establish this, the sooner you’ll know exactly what to expect. A good clinic will also take into consideration a natural looking hair line for your age and your face and head shape. Have an honest conversation and be open to their expert feedback.

4. Knowing what the journey home looks like

There’s no way around it, you’ll have to go out in public to travel home. The worst part is sitting at the airport for 2 hours or so whilst you wait for your plane. 

I found it was best to embrace it. People are nice for the most part and won’t stare, and if one or two do who cares – you will never see those people again! You may even be at the airport with other transplant patients, I wasn’t the only one! 

Take a travel pillow and have someone pick you up if possible, so you can exit swiftly and get back home as soon as possible. It’s natural to be self-conscious, but it’s over fast and well worth it.

Tip! Just take carry-on luggage to keep your check-in and wait time down.

5. Choosing the right clinic

  • Pick somewhere you can travel to and from easily
  • Check their reviews online, not just on their site!
  • Do they have a good quality website and professional looking emails?
  • Can you see actual case studies of previous patients online?
  • Do they have an address? Can you see it on Google street view?
  • Can you meet your surgeon for a consultation beforehand?
  • Do you know someone who’s been there before – first hand opinion is amazing!
John M

John M

Hi, I'm John. About age 30 my hair started receding. After trying lots of products I eventually decided on a hair transplant. And now I have my hair back.

Do you want to keep your hair without surgery? I get it … surgery can be expensive and frightening. Although it’s the most effective solution when things go bad and it helped me, you still experience some discomfort and have to take some time off from work.

Fortunately, researchers in Norway succeeded in stopping hair loss and promoting regrowth in 63.9% of test participants by using fish proteins!

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Enquire About A Hair Transplant
(I went there!)

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